M.P.T. (Master
My name is Matteo Lucchini, I'm Italian now living in Killarney, County Kerry. My journey in this world begins almost by chance, after having studied in a completely different field. Even though my mother was a masseuse for years, I had never shown interest in her work, then a series of events brought me closer to this world. In 1996 I was working a lot with the sole purpose of making money and when this money started coming in I realized that I was sacrificing so much time and energy for something that wasn't worth it, at least for me. So, I decided to go abroad as it was something I had been thinking about doing for a long time. But the idea of travelling alone was a little daunting for me as it wasn't the done thing for Italians to travel in this way. I decided to take a trip in Italy as a trial run before setting off.
I choose Venice, a beautiful city that I had I had not yet visited. After I arrived and found accommodation, I began to sightsee this marvellous place. Walking through the winding streets, I met a really nice souvenir merchant, who complained of a pain in his shoulder, so I offered to try to do something that I had seen done thousands of times by my mother, but never done before. To both of our amazement , I managed to sort out his pain and his shoulder problem. From than moment, a door opened up for me. I could use my hands to do something that could help others and that gave me great satisfaction. So I started studying with my mother and exploring a world that was new to me. My decision to go abroad for a while led me to Dublin, Ireland, where I got an ITEC International degree in holistic massage and started taking my first steps as a massage therapist. After more than a year, I decided to leave for a trip to Asia, I was thinking of staying for a few weeks and then going back home but it didn't work out quite like that. I stayed in Thailand for more than five months, studying Thai massage in different schools and with different masters and have continued studying & practicing it till now. It is a technique that I really like, giving the possibility to help muscle-tendon problems and increase body elasticity and mobility.
Upon returning to Italy in 2000, I opened a studio in Arona on Lake Maggiore in Northern Italy where I worked till 2019. During these years, I worked as a Thai massage therapist and became a recognised teacher with the Italian Federation of Tradional Thai massage. I also studied & added many complimentary therapies to my work like PRALD, Kinesio Tape and specific work on the TMJ (temporomandibular joint)
In 2010 I did a two year massage therapy course and in 2014, I went on to study Osteopathy with the Jean Monet School of Osteopathy in Brussels. I graduated in Osteopathy in 2017 and continued on with a three year masters specialising in cranio sacral and visceral treatments.
I moved back to Ireland in 2019 with my Irish wife who I had picked up a long the way and my three children. There was a reason for that trip way back then went I wanted to travel abroad!
I'm currently working as an osteopath in Killarney, Co Kerry and practicing and studyng Born technique.
)- Dulton College of Physiotherapy.